1 节点
1.1 usb_cam节点
1.1.1 发布的话题
~<camera_name>/image ()
The image
1.1.2 参数
~video_device (string, default: "/dev/video0") 视频设备(字符串,默认为/dev/video0)
- The device the camera is on.
~image_width (integer, default: 640) 图像宽度(整数,默认640)
- Image width
~image_height (integer, default: 480) 图形高度(整数,默认480)
- Image height
~pixel_format (string, default: "mjpeg") 像素格式(字符串,默认为mjpeg)
- Possible values are mjpeg, yuyv, uyvy 可选值(mjpeg,yuyu,uyvy)
~io_method (string, default: "mmap") io方法(字符串,默认mmap)
- Possible values are mmap, read, userptr 可选值(mmap,read,userptr)
~camera_frame_id (string, default: "head_camera") 相机坐标系id(字符串,默认“head_camera”)
- The camera's tf frame 摄像机的tf坐标系
~framerate (integer, default: 30) 帧速率(整数,默认30)
- The required framerate
~contrast (integer, default: 32) 对比度(整数,默认32)
- Contrast of video image (0-255) 图片对比度(0~255)
~brightness (integer, default: 32) 亮度(整数,默认32)
- Brightness of video image (0-255) 图片亮度(0~255)
~saturation (integer, default: 32) 饱和度(整数,默认32)
- Saturation of video image (0-255)
~sharpness (integer, default: 22) 清晰度(整数,默认22)
- Sharpness of video image (0-255)
~autofocus (boolean, default: false) 自动聚焦(布尔,默认false)
- Enable camera's autofocus 聚焦使能
~focus (integer, default: 51) 焦点(整数,默认51)
- If autofocus is disabled, the focus of the camera (0=at infinity) 如果自动聚焦无效,则焦点为0,即无穷远处
~camera_info_url (string, default: ) 相机信息url(字符串,默认:)
- An url to the camera calibration file that will be read by the class 一个相机标定文件的url被 class读取
~camera_name (string, default: head_camera) 相机名称(字符串,默认:head_camera)
The camera name. This must match the name in the camera calibration 相机名称,这个名称必须与相机标定文件中的名称匹配
1.1.3 相关包
- 支持用OpenCV从usb相机中捕获图像